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What is the purpose of mental health awareness courses? from Leonor Fernandes Santos's blog

The mental health awareness courses educate individuals on understanding and maintaining mental well-being. It is crucial for promoting awareness, reducing stigma, and equipping people with tools to manage and support mental health.

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The Creating Personal Resiliencecourse is designed to help people develop the skills and strategies they need to cope with stress and challenges in their lives. The course covers a variety of topics, including but not limited to what resilience is and why it is important, how to identify and challenge unhelpful thinking patterns. This online resilience course also helps participants build a strategy to develop a strong sense of self-care and how to build positive relationships. The course is designed for people who work in high-stress environments, such as leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs, but it is also beneficial for anyone who wants to learn how to be more resilient.

At some point in our lives, we have all had to deal with different situations that are related to mental health and it is usually an issue that worries us, that generates prejudices and that affects proper individual and social functioning. For this reason, receiving information and training will help us to better face these situations and incorporate them into the dynamics of community environments, making us all feel responsible and contributing to the support of these people and their families.

Our all mental health short courses are 100% online, asynchronous, individual learning classes. The courses are made up of a sequence of classes that are enabled gradually. Course modules are made up of expository videos, mandatory and complementary readings, a summary, a glossary, a control, and a development activity.

Our online mental health awareness course are designed for anyone who could benefit from practical strategies to help them deal with the challenges life throws at them. This includes people who work in high-stress environments, leaders, managers, supervisors, parents, entrepreneurs, students, teachers, educators, mentors, and community leaders.

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